Sunday, August 17, 2008

Who taught them???

"Grass is green

Blue is the sky

I love you

don't ask why!"

-says Tom to Jerry!!!

"Oh my oh my!

what a pretty visage....

If I had the money,

I would build you the Taj!"

The tiger boasts to the lamb!!!

"With wings of feather

I shall fly you to the heavans

Do not doubt me ever....

Eat you? Me?? Never!!"

sings the Eagle to the little Penguin!!!

What happened to the jungle?

What a change of heart?!

What caused the hunters to mingle

with the hunted? I know not!

"Silly little girl"

-That is the Chimpanzee

"They got it from your lot.

Humans,you call yourselves,is it not?"

"Yes!" I wonder aloud

"That sure does part the clouds"

A ray of comprehension

grabs my attention.

"You get it for free

We do not want money

(He He! We have other sources

Interest,credit cards-our lethal forces!)"

-Does it ring a bell?

The nation is our priority

We will handle any calamity

Service is our motto

This is not for the photo!

(But our schemes are for us,

Voters-forgive us

and do vote again,

We still have much to gain!)"

Don't we see them everyday?

Salesmen,politicians and many more

Lying is now a way of life

for our species.

But we do prosper

We think we are superior.

The foolishness of our acts

will strike us like an axe

when jungle creatures do the same.

Our eyes will reflect the shame.

Necessary evil

Are they not present everywhere?
Brother,sister,papa or mama
these tidings,do they not share?

Necessary evil-I call these feelings
for they result in questions-
Our imagination sprouts wings
of colour, painting umpteen innovations.