Sunday, December 9, 2012

The philosophy of coolness

Generally, normal people are ignored. And then there are some cool people who don't care about what others think about them. They also don't care about their impact on others. They are cool like that.

Today, since I am feeling like a normal person and because I am generally jobless, I pondered about coolness.

Let me declare now that I am not a cool person. There are so many people who will vouch for that. So, like all uncool people, I have a curiosity about cool people. As a result of my "deep thinking", I came up with some findings. This is purely based on a very limited sample space comprised of personal examples of people who have been declared cool by others.

1. Cool people do not use formal language or ordered lists (I just did that. Hence proved, I am not cool).
2. They talk anything in front of anyone and do not care about anything. They are free spirits.
3. They have more than 400 friends on Facebook.
4. They can spend as much as they want, and do crazy stuff which is popular, like shouting bad words in public.
5. They like Russell Peters.
6. They talk to anyone and everyone and always smile. This part makes me wonder whether they had plastic surgery on their face. How can people keep up a fake smile for so long?
7. They hate routine of any kind. They sometimes do not brush because that would break the "normal" routine.
8. Being responsible is being boring, according to them.
9. They will rush over, shake your hand and talk as if you are the most important person in the world. The next moment they are gone and sometimes don't even recognize you the next day.
10. They are not attached to anything. I am not going to elaborate on this point.

The one important lesson I have been forcefully taught is that one must always be careful while dealing with these folks. But that is what we normal folks never do. And this is my philosophical derivation for the day.