Thursday, November 22, 2012

Time pass with bus pass

The most interesting part in a bus journey, for some people, is feeling the wind on their face while travelling. For some, it is the roadside scenery that they get to see. For some, it is the nap. For some, it is conversations with strangers. For some - the movie (in video coaches).

For me - none of the above. I prefer dreaming with my eyes open.

The wind on my face - that is a problem. First of all, the wind does not restrict itself to a 2 dimensional circle shape and caress my face alone. It encompasses the entire head and whips my hair around. It gets tangled and messy. Now you may imagine me with an absolutely displeased expression - inverted U-shaped mouth and narrowed eyebrows. That is how painful it is for me to even imagine messy hair. If there is something girly about me, it is the fuss I make about my hair. It has to always be neatly combed. One can never find me in an "out-of-bed" hairdo. Ever. When I see someone with uncombed, tangled hair, I feel like fishing out a comb from my bag and smoothing it out. Apparently, I have a calling for that kind of social service. So, needless to say, I always wear a scarf when I am not travelling in a completely covered vehicle with the windows rolled up. 

A nap in the bus - never. There are some people who can sleep anywhere, anytime. Not me. I am like those FB forwards that are popular these days - a scared-to-close-eyes-in-the-shower kind of person. Also, what if someone put a mosquito in my mouth when I am asleep? What if a lizard falls in? Since I have travelled more in India only, I have been exposed to such unwanted but omnipresent insect population in the bus. What if a cockroach went for a walk on my hand and I never knew because I was asleep? Most importantly, what if someone stole my wallet which had my ID card and Rs.5? (Yes I was the "porathuku bus pass irukku" type of girl). Even during school tours, I used to be the only person awake in the bus. It was not because I was paranoid in the school bus with my friends. People had built up a reputation that I was the girl who never slept in the bus. I had to maintain that. Peer pressure.

Video coaches are interesting. If the bus driver likes black and white movies, it is fun. I love MGR movies. They are so much fun and contain excellent rofl worth material. If you don't watch B&W movies, try one. Start with this. Arjun and Gaptun movies are always janaranjaka (entertaining). What I cannot take are Vijay movies. Shabba! All that noise and shouting! Kanna, there is something called volume button, we will make use of it if we want to hear you better, please don't shout in my ears. My worst experience was once when I got into a bus in Coimbatore in the evening. I hadn't eaten lunch. It was a 5 hour journey and the movie of the day was Selvaraghavan's Kadhal Konden. By the time that depressing movie was over, due to hunger and the negativity in the movie, I felt like throwing up. I never traveled in a video coach after that.

My greatest sore point about bus travel was, is and I guess, will always be - conversations with strangers. Anyone who has read my posts must have gathered by now that I am not a normal person. I identify the weirdest things to worry about and spot the silliest things to laugh at. If someone with droopy eyes sits near me, I worry when they would fall asleep and when their head would start falling on my neck. I even plan how to shift their head away and scan the bus to see if there are any other free seats with people who look wide awake. Now if they are awake - that presents various other interesting possibilities.

The first kind of people are those who do not talk. I like them, but they eat - throughout the journey. In addition to the constant roar of the bus, one can hear a noise that reminds you of a cud chewing cow near your ear. Annoying. Very. If that is annoying, the furtive glances they shoot at you and the way they crouch around their food is annoying to the superlative degree. I feel like standing up and taking an oath to assure the lady that I will never covet her greasy vazhakka (raw plantain) bajji.

Some people set their minds on the impossible task of making me talk. I am a listener. Conversation is something I prefer to listen to. These people don't understand that. What do you do? Where are you going? Do you have a job? What are your parents doing? Are you going to get married? Do you have a boyfriend? Sometimes I just give them a smile in return for every question. Sometimes, I play along. I invent a whole new person. I try out all the names that my parents could have given to me instead of this one. I try out different professions for my mother. Sometimes, she is a doctor. Sometimes she is a housewife. I sometimes have 2 elder brothers, one working as a police officer, if the person near me seems shady.

And then there are those who talk. On their phone. 

"ALooo! Aan..Sollungaaa...Kekudhaa??? Na nalla irken...Aven epdi irkyaan? Veetuku vandaana?" * maximum volume * - I know I can never sleep even if I want to. In fact, no one in the bus can.

"Hi" * giggles * "Hmmmm..." "Hmmm....?" "Hmmmm...!!!" * giggles * "Mmhmmm..." * Looks at me and looks away * "Mmhmm..." * giggles * - This is when I get mild headache.

"Hel-Hello..Can you hear me?" "How can they do that? Tell them they have to pay up immediately" "This side 1 crore turn over, that side 1 crore turn over" "Next month Delhi program" - Mild laughter begins in my head.

"Hello? Yes" * listens for 3 seconds * "Not interested" * hangs up * "Cha, who wants their credit card? This is one headache!" - I bestow a look of camaraderie.

"Hello Dubai ah?" - Intense laughter in my head. I exert maximum self control to keep a straight face. Such phone calls are made to UK, US and European countries too, smack at midnight or in the early morning hours for those folks, if they are not imaginary.

But when it is a Wednesday afternoon and you are in an AC bus, you get the window seat and there are not many people in the bus. It is not a video coach. That journey is bliss. Bus journeys can be fun, only the timing and ambiance has to be perfect.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Social Experiment

Sound and Bala tried a social experiment. One situation - A bus ride. A pretty girl smiles at the protagonist. Bala says what goes on in my mind and vice versa. Not very surprisingly, we were correct about each other.

Sound's mindvoice

Ah! A pleasant bus ride. Cool breeze is sweeping the land.

Oh! My hair is flying. Let me tie a scarf. The girl sitting next to me is pretty. Will she think that I am putting scene and all?

Let her think whatever she wants, I will tie the scarf. Else, my hair will become a mess. Oh! My elbow touched that girl.


Why did she smile back at me. Am i looking funny? Cha! I hate that girl. Everybody ties a scarf. What is there?

Oh! wow its drizzling.

Hey it started raining.I love rains.Cha! i will get stuck in traffic. I can't reach home in time.Why it should rain now?

Ean enaku matharam ipdilam aarathu? Why does it happen to me always? Why god, why me? 

Bala's mindvoice

That's a nice cool breeze...It would be great to have a beer now.

Let me stretch my legs. I wish I could doze off.

Oh, now here's a pretty girl. She is pretty, but tiny.

I bet she will be prettier with glasses.

Her hair is flying. What is she thinking? Oh she is looking at me.

Is she feeling uncomfortable? She is narrowing her eyebrows, her forehead is crinkled, she is thinking whether she should tie up her hair. She smiled at me now. Let me smile back and then look away, she will be confused...or maybe I should smile and keep looking at her, she will get scared and it will be funny.

Its raining now.

Oh no I hate rain, I will get all wet. Let me call Sound to bring her car and get me out of the rain.

I wish I could have a beer now.

Monday, November 12, 2012

True or Fal(l)se?

(This article was originally written and published this week in the IGSA Scratchpad magazine for the November issue. Reblogging it here for other readers.)

Fall is the first semester in the US for most Indian students. It is a commonly noted pattern that students come to the US for international exposure, and after reaching here, painstakingly search out people from their own regions within the home country (if possible same city/street also), form a group and enjoy the great social life within that circle. But this trend has changed these days with the advent of Facebook. People do not form such groups after coming here. They do it even before coming here. The international exposure is typically limited to the climatic nature. Anyway, that is not what I am supposed to be writing about.

When I decided to “take the GRE and go to the US to study”, I did exactly what all of you must have done: talk to people who had already done that.

“Fall or Spring?” asked the great one. That is when it started. I thought, what’s a Fall? Fall from where? Spring to where? But I could not ask that to her. So I said, “Ummm…haven’t decided yet, tell me generally.” She knew I didn’t know. I knew she knew I didn’t know. She knew that too, but then she was the great one, the one that had been there and done that already.

I finally gathered that notwithstanding the reasons for calling what we learned in our text books as “autumn”, that season is apparently called Fall in this part of the world. I did not complain, because the concept of 4 seasons itself is incredulous to me, or anyone from South India. We only have degrees of summer interspersed with bouts of rain to clear the dust on the roads.


Since this issue falls in the Fall semester, I am going to write all about Fall. Fall is widely recognized as a beautiful season. “Fall colours” is a term I hear a lot. I can safely vouch for its presence in cosmetic range promotions, dress collection ads and Facebook photo albums. This is also the football season in the US. Only, it is not actual football. They throw and catch the ball, but call it football. Interesting, really.

Fall is a great season to start your stay in the US because you will have absolutely no problem in adjusting to the new country. The weather is unpredictable, but you are used to that already. And then there is Deepavali that falls in the month of November. You get reminded of everything you did back home – burst crackers, wear new dresses, eat sweets and receive money from elderly relatives. But hey, we have the Thanksgiving sale in November. You can sit outside BestBuy all night, tented up in the cold and buy that ipad which seems less costly because it has been purchased in the Thanksgiving sale. That is just seasonal purchase syndrome, but it is fun if you like that kind of thing.

If you are from South India, you must have celebrated Navratri by arranging dolls in steps, eating sundal and singing songs. Here, you get to dress up as your favorite horror movie villain and frighten people – mostly, those on your Facebook friends list in India.

Yes, the semester begins with mild bewilderment. You attend classes to keep your part-time job, fight with roomies, get desperate about the internship scenario, do homework (who has ever done those things before, you wonder) and write exams with pencils. During mid-October, the bewilderment is complete. Some of you haggle with travel agents from September to get a good rate for December tickets to India. By the time you book tickets and leave to India, you feel like you are in a long-distance relationship with your travel agent…

I apologize for the digression from the topic. I had meant to demystify “Fall”. Summer ends in Fall and winter begins from Fall. So when is Fall? I am not sure. In a few years, I think I will confidently tell you that there is no such thing as Fall. It is a scam by IDunnoWho to create confusion among desi students preparing for their masters application. I got an email yesterday from my mother’s friend’s daughter’s friend, now in her 3rd year of engineering. She wants to apply for masters in the US. I did not want her to feel the uncertainty and fear that I felt 2 years ago. So I replied to her that I will help out with everything. She just needs to tell me, “Fall or Spring”.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Birthday Bums

Yes, you read it right. Bums, not bumps. It has been reported recently that there is a group that keeps invading birthday parties. The Birthday Aggression Beater Youths (BABY), a non-profit organization that aims to prevent acts of aggression in birthday parties, has done some really good work in carrying out relief activities in severely affected birthday parties.

BABY has done extensive and in-depth research on the modus operandi of these "bums". The organization says that bums are all around us. "They look very normal, and act like normal people. The sad part is that most of us do not realize it even while we are being attacked.", says a spokesperson from BABY. 

Bums can slip in as one of the attendees, and the worst cases are when a bum is one of the organizers of the party. Luckily, there are a few indicators that can help you judge whether your party is being attacked:

1. If the party seems to be going berserk with strange people entering and telling others what to do, you are under attack. Take the cake and run. Oh, take the birthday baby along too.
2. If the party is being held near a swimming pool and random people start pushing in other people randomly.
3. If no one is wishing the birthday baby but all guys are trying to impress some girl in the gathering and all girls are bitching about the same girl.
4. If everyone seems to be more bent upon beating the birthday baby than singing the birthday song.
5. If it feels like a nightmare and you want to leave your own party.

Most people can relate to the scenarios described above. So what can you do if you are planning a birthday party?

1. Plan a party without a cake. Bums avoid cakeless birthday parties.
2. Plan a party that involves a Carnatic music kutcheri. Even if there is chocolate cake, bums flee at the mention of classical music.
3. Never plan a party by the pool, that is like an open invitation to anyone who is roaming about joblessly.
4. Never invite pretty girls to the party.
5. Arrange for some strong bouncers in front of your house to throw out bums.
6. Plan party games. Something involving XBox for guys.They will be lost in it and not force you to play Smear-the-cake or push-me-in-water type kindergarten games.
7. For girls - Start a rumour that one of the guys is checking out one of the girls. Never name the guy or the girl. That will keep them busy and happy.
8. Now sing the birthday song, wish the birthday baby, and sit back with a piece of cake.

In case of emergency situations, reach out to the BABY emergency hotline (564-WET-BABY).
For post-attack post-traumatic counselling, contact (564-CRY-BABY)