Monday, September 22, 2008

Let them fall…..

One of the games I have seen children play is blowing air near floating feathers – to keep them floating. How beautiful and graceful it is to watch the light and cute feathers gently rock left and right like a small boat on waves….. How our heart goes out to the pretty thing….. We blow air to keep it floating. After a period of time we tire of pushing air out of our system forcefully….. Did anyone ask us to keep the feather suspended in air? Did it request your breath? Did it say it did not like the comfort of lying down on mother Earth?

A feather or anything similar that obeys the law of gravity like leaves, dandelion, dust, raindrops or even a ball, is bound to fall down. And let me assure you, they do not mind it! Indeed they want it!

What is the point of trying to do something to change something which you know does not need to change? Or what is the point in holding on to something that you have to let go, in the name of silly sentiments? Why should you exert yourself for something that does not require your effort?

Let us learn to let go of things that have to be let off….things which have to be let go, things which do not require us… things which hurt us when we try to hold them back….

Let the raindrops tumble down… Let the feathers float…. and also…. Let them fall….!

Am I alluding to something here? Let me let you think :-)


Madhusoodhanan said...

Nice UVAMAIGAL .. nice thought ..

Unknown said...

I carefully analysed your writing and found out that it is happiness which is responsible for "trying to do something to change something which you know does not need to change". When you see the face or mind of the child who is blowing the feather, he'll be enjoying. When you see a girl blocking rain drops, she'll be enjoying it too. As we get old, we tend to stop involving ourselves in such acts and so we lose the happiness which we would have got in our childhood! My opinion would be they must not fall! After all they are inanimate.
If you are alluding to the human nature of sticking on to some bad happenings in the past, then it would hold good. Sorry.. yen moolaikku ivlo thaan yosikka mudinjidhu... Inimey indha maadhiri double entendre article ezhudhi padikkaravaal moolaiya kozhappa vecheenga na unga kooda pesa maaten aamaam!!
But it was a nice post :)

Soundarya said...

ya juju,...wat u told is correct...the child is happy doing it...but when we become adults...we tend to do the same thing about things of the past that would be better left alone :-)

inime konjam thelivave ezhudidren :-)