Thursday, December 11, 2008

Elementary, my dear Watson….

Boredom… This is something I face everyday of my professional life. From the lack of interesting things to do, boredom in my case has come to lack of anything to do(sometimes)…! I sit in office day after day….wondering where I went wrong…choosing my company or my profession.. Maybe I should have stuck to writing as a career option, or teaching which was once my dream job 

I used to think I was the only person with this problem… then I realized to my dismay (and a kinda impish satisfaction) that most of the people around me in office are sailing in the same boat. I then began to study the various techniques people employ to overcome this “everyday” problem.

There are some masters in this art of dealing with boredom. Many of them deceive themselves, making their minds believe that they are actually busy. They do things like scrolling their inboxes many times…refreshing it…reading old useless mails multiple times…playing sudoku…taking one hour to compose a single line mail…trying to compose the mail in which they update the week’s activities(no activities done.. but u need to boost the manager’s ego that his project is doing something great)

I have even heard many employees say, “I was very busy today, lotsa forwarded mails to read…”

So what do I do to overcome this problem and leverage this opportunity to make my time fruitful? What can anyone possibly do to ward off the danger that an idle mind heralds?

I discovered that blogging is quite a good way of bringing out our creativity and in some cases, letting out some steam too. Definitely better than pointlessly chatting about the latest gossip with your team mate.

Sometimes.. only when I blogged, I discovered that I really had an opinion about that issue…that I really had such kinda vocabulary… that I was able to spin off a blog entry so quickly..

That is when I discovered the fact that whatever we do very well, is the one on which we have spent the greatest time. A lazy person will always be lazy, unless he starts doing something and spends more and more time being active. If you sleep for 12 hours a day… you will be an expert in sleeping. If you spend 5 hours a day practicing dance, it will show in your performance.

It is the simple phenomenon which all of us just brush away with “Oh that is so simple. We know this since kindergarten”. What we do not realize is that all the greatest concepts on earth are SIMPLE.

Is nt that what the greatest detective and one of the sharpest minds in the literary world often used to say while explaining his seemingly impossible deductions of apparently complex cases?
“Elementary, my dear Watson”


Anonymous said...

A true confession indeed! see to it ur boss don't read it!

Venkat's blog said...

i already knew that u had such kinda vocab....n u mentioned all that i do in office to show ppl that i am busy :)